My word of the month is vomit; well, it feels that way anyway. Elijah started throwing up eight days ago, and I had it by the next morning. I quarantined us and thoroughly cleaned and no one else got sick; until poor Alayna flew home from Memphis last weekend still feeling sick from a virus circling there. Since Saturday, we have had five more down for the count. I have no confidence that it will end there is spite of my cleaning until my hands are raw. It is the worst virus I've encountered in years...and there are just so many of us for it to work through.
We did have a nice break last Sunday before the second round hit; we went to "Walk through Bethlehem" in Richmond. It was really awesome and I would highly recommend it to anyone with one near.
It is going to be a pretty exciting Christmas this year, since it's the first ever with all 11 children under the same roof. Gabriel arrives home from his South America deployment next Thursday and I know the time all together is just going to fly by. I am really planning on doing a better job of blogging during all the family fun time! (I just have to make it through the vomit to the fun!)
Elijah and his friend with a Roman soldier |