The kids enjoyed it - it was the first big concert most of them had ever been to.
Elijah really wanted to meet Jasmine, but JD took him one direction to the bathroom during intermission and the girls and I went the other. We got to meet her and snap a picture.
I am so bummed out, but I forgot to take a picture of my kids in their own concert black and white attire yesterday, as they participated in a county choir in a historic church built back in the 1700's. It was beautiful and they looked darling, but we were rushing from our church pot-luck to it and I forgot to get a group shot. Here's the best I have and Bella was totally blocked by the conductor.
And lastly, Alei and I have been on a strict no-carb eating plan and she isn't in favor of messing it up for Thanksgiving, so she made low-carb bread that we are aging and turning into low-carb stuffing. It should be least the bread is. It tastes pretty good though.
Happy Thanksgiving if I don't make it back before then.