I wish I had a video of Elijah in the moon-bounce; he loved it! We're going to have to settle for pictures of him on his new hand-me-down horse instead; he loves it too.
His hair has a fair amount of baby sun-screen in it in these pictures.
His hair has a fair amount of baby sun-screen in it in these pictures.
I am also pretty excited about our future cow pasture. Our spring grass is coming in; it's not thick yet, but it's green!
Yesterday, my husband and son made the airport run to pick up my Mom while I met some church friends at the local berry farm. One friend has twins, so Moriah pretty much had a baby in her arms the whole time.
Elijah was impressed with the goats, it's sad that he doesn't remember our goats. I am looking forward to being able to have them again.
Elijah is my first kid who doesn't love berries. In fact, he won't eat cantaloupe or watermelon either. I don't know what I'm going to do with him! Here I handed him a perfect strawberry.
On a sad note, please pray for these Samaritan's Purse workers that were kid-napped in the Sudan. Samaritan's Purse is the ministry started by Billy Graham's son, Franklin, that delivers the shoe-boxes to kids all over the world at Christmas. It's a ministry that I would love to work for overseas!
Three Samaritan’s Purse employees were abducted in Sudan at approximately 5:30 p.m. local time May 18. The Samaritan’s Purse team, two Sudanese men and a 36-year-old American woman from California, was traveling in a two-vehicle convoy and stopped by a group of armed men 25 miles southwest of Nyala in Sudan’s Darfur region.
Samaritan’s Purse is working with U.S. and Sudanese government officials to secure the safe return of our staff.
“I have visited Darfur several times and it is one of the most difficult places in the world to work,” said Franklin Graham, president and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse. "I’m asking for the prayers from people around the world for a quick resolution and the safe return of our Samaritan’s Purse staff."
Samaritan’s Purse has provided $83.7 million in relief assistance to Sudan since 2001, including medical relief, clean water projects, food distributions, agricultural projects and the rebuilding of hundreds of churches destroyed in the country’s civil war.
Turns out the something-or-other was World War II related. They toured a carrier and submarine as well as a mock base from the Vietnam War. The boys had a great time and hopefully they learned a little something as well!
James in a captain chair -
Check out the luxurious size of the bunks. It makes me feel bad for upgrading from a queen to a king bed!
The kids with new friend, Vickie.
This morning we hit the area by the river that used to be a Navy base. There was a play-ground that provided a nice spot for a picnic. It's amazing that kids can spend an hour spinning themselves around; I would throw up in about two minutes!
We had a great afternoon back at the beach. The weather was warmer so we all were able to swim longer. Those pictures (and the wedding) shortly.