If you are wondering where I've been, I'm buried in house-hold chores. After my main washer and dryer were out of commission for almost a week, JD hooked up our new boxed pair in the future laundry room. The room isn't ready for a permenant placement, so they'll have to be unhooked and moved again, but it enabled us to get back to laundry. I can't wait for the day that I have both pairs running smoothly!

Due to the forced laundry break, we were buried pretty high in dirty clothes. This is about 1/3 of the mountain that is now washed and awaiting folding. As you can see, I've never been one of those fold-as-it-comes-out people; I'm a mound and fold all at once kind of Mom. The washer part box and all the laundry doubled as fun for Julia and Elijah; here's Julia playing "I'm gonna get you" with Elijah.

In between laundry mountains, I've been on a few rounds of grocery shopping. I like to stock up on turkeys at the Thanksgiving sale time. I'm up to six turkeys and two hams in the freezer. That should get me through until next Thanksgiving's sales.
Lastly, I've painted the sun-room again. When it was Tori and Julia's princess room, it had to be pink. Now I painted it a camel color. I'm actually quite unhappy with the color now that it's done; I think it's kind of peachy-camel. It's going to end up being Elijah's room whenever he moves out of our room, so I didn't want it girly. For now, it's just going to be the sun-room and a guest room when needed.

(Like a good preacher, I have another comment after my lastly one...) In between my work, we've had our normal fun moments - like tea-party with real tea. I need to find Julia a plastic tea set as she broke at least 1/2 of Tori's this week.

Never a dull moment - never!