We were met with the surprise of baby goats from Lady Tuesday morning; there were a healthy pair and one still born baby. The third baby looked perfect and it was sad to not know what happened to him.
We did our hike to the animal burying ground and buried the baby goat before we spent too much time with the other new babies. I notice now that James did not even get dressed.
While it is sad, I think my kids handle death well and Elijah requested to lower the baby into the hole.
Then we headed back to the barn to get to know the new twins. They are Alfred and Alice; we are going with A names this year for goats that will remain in the herd. (Alfred is only a maybe, but just in case.)
Nathan loves the baby goats and makes several trips to the barn a day to see and hold them.
Alfred |
Alice |
Today the new baby goats were two days old, but this afternoon brought Flutter into full labor. I thought it would go much quicker than it did and Alayna rushed home from town, skipping Wal-Mart only to wait several hours.
The waiting got old. The boys had karate and I had an important phone call. We all still stayed on alert.
Flutter couldn't get comfortable and kept moving around.
Nathan came in a hung out with Grand-dad; this is what I found on a quick visit to the house.
Finally, finally, the first baby came. I don't think Flutter knew what happened and didn't even look at the baby until I cleaned it a bit and gave it to her. She then started cleaning him.
A few minutes later brought another baby boy - Brownie and Cookie.
One more goat birth to go - Leia is due anytime. We are hoping for one more girl this year!