The very next day was Alayna's birthday. Last year she desperately wanted one of Montana's puppies for her birthday, but Gabriel and I talked her out of it since she was pregnant with Samuel and they did not have a fenced in yard. My part of talking her out included, "Alayna, I will buy you a puppy down the road for your birthday when it's better timing than this year." Since Gabriel and Alayna bought a house this year with a nice big fenced in backyard, and Samuel is like the perfect baby, Alayna was ready for her puppy. I sent the money and she went through a dog rescue group. While the puppy she originally wanted was already adopted, she fell in love with this mystery puppy that was found dumped in New Mexico along the side of the road. Her name is Waffles and she is very in love with both Alayna and Samuel. It's pretty sweet since their other dog Diesel is very devoted to Nathan and Gabriel.
We skip the 22nd, but then have Bella's birthday on the 23rd. This year she is half way to grown and very much enjoyed turning 9! We celebrated with a trip to Sky Zone and then her dinner choice and cookie cake.