Saturday, January 30, 2010
I'm at it Again
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I feel like I have so many things hanging, in real life and on the blog. We are still praying, and hoping, to close on the final loan of our house, in spite of the value dropping another $85,000. It was a really bad time to build, although we had no idea when we began.
We are also still struggling along with our renter. Although he has officially been evicted in court, we have allowed him to stay in the house under strict agreements. It has been a very trying and stressful situation for months; the by far most stressful part of the arrangement for me is how casually he views the situation.
Thankfully, all our frustrations in life are only that - frustrations. Everyone is healthy and happy (most of the time) so I'm very thankful for that!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Food for Thought
Here's an article that is written by Randy Bohlender. I don't know anything about him other than the little clip that accompanied this article. He raises some huge concerns that I didn't think of before reading it. Let me know what you think.
January 20,2010 by Randy Bohlender
I got a call from Senator Claire McCaskill’s office today. Allow me to say that while I probably don’t agree on a lot of issues with the Senator, her staff has been incredibly helpful and responsive. Double thumbs up to the Senator and her team on this.
They were getting ready to get on a conference call with the Department of Homeland Security to discuss a recent memo from Secretary Janet Napolitano and wanted some clarification of what I was hoping to do in bringing in orphans, along with any questions I might have should they get a chance to ask them.
Uh, yes. Thank you. “Ask them what the plan is for orphans who were clearly orphaned before the earthquake but who were not yet assigned to US families…”.
Those are my mission right now. The kids who have US moms and dads batting for them will find their way out over the next few days….but many kids whose orphanages have been decimated will not get humanitarian parole.
Believe it or not, after the conference call, Senator McCaskill’s office called me back to let me know how it went. I told you they were helpful.
As it turns out, according to strict interpretation of the memo, there is the chance of humanitarian parole for those already in process with a family, but not for those who were not in process (which is to say ‘most of them’).
Early on, the government suggested this applied to 250 orphans with assigned parents, although they’ve already identified 600 sets of parents so estimates are being revised to reflect reality. No estimates so far on how many were without assigned parents and therefore not eligible for parole, but you can multiply the other number by….a lot.
“So what’s the plan for the children left behind?” I asked. I’m particularly concerned about these kids because the conditions they’re living in are atrocious.
One orphanage worker, Troy Livesay with Heartline Ministries, twittered today: “Our clinic turned into a hospital, and our sewing room into a surgical ward,and an arm was amputated with a reciprocating saw.”
What about those orphans left behind in that atmosphere? It turns out the US is a little skittish about just coming in and taking charge (not sure when we developed this neurosis) and so we are hoping that Unicef or some other international organization will come in and set up a ‘Safe Haven’ for those children.
At this point, I’m sitting in my office balancing Piper in my lap, trying to keep her from mashing down on my keyboard. ”A safe haven? What’s that?”
“It’s a camp.” The senate staffer tells me.
I grow a little sick. I went to camp as a little kid and didn’t really like it. I wondered what this camp was going to be like. “A big camp for all the orphans? Where will that be?”
“In Haiti.”
That’s it. At this point, that’s our federal response to the Haitian orphan crisis. A big camp in a country that was poor and chaotic before the living snot got shaken out of it a week ago, after which it really went to pot. Enjoy camp, kids.
But wait! Aren’t children getting out? I see it on CNN!
Yes, I know you’re reading about groups getting out, but those are groups who already have parents waiting for them. We are getting our own out and putting the rest in camps. That’s not humanitarian. That’s taking care of ourselves. And for those left behind, can we just go ahead and paint a big target on Haiti and declare “Sex Traffickers Apply Here”?
Nicollette Grams had a horrifying piece in today’s The Atlantic, where she wrote:
“In Haiti’s unstable post-quake atmosphere, at least one industry is poised to flourish. For those who buy and sell children for sex and cheap labor, Haiti is ripe with opportunity.” THE ATLANTIC :: 1.19.09
Here’s the scoop.
I am not proposing we fly in with a C130 and scoop up every child in Haiti. I am saying that in cases like one specific orphanage that I’m in discussion with – where the fifty children escaped with their lives when their orphanage ‘fell down’ (their words), and only fourteen of those kids are eligible for humanitarian parole under current regulations, that I want those other thirty six children here in Kansas City where we will care for them in a safe, secure location until such time as the US Government figures out what the heck to do with them or the Haitian people rebuild their world.
I’m not asking for wholesale adoption. I’m not asking to place them in an over burdened state foster care system. I’m asking for the church to step up and make a way for these kids that satisfies state requirements, honors Haitian sovereignty and keeps a door open for their return to Haiti in due time.
I know, I know, it’s never been done before. Probably not true, but it’s never been done by us before – so that’s suddenly the measuring stick of what we do or do not do?
The secular media is ringing the warning bell. If we don’t take them in, the traffickers will. Are you okay with that?
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Hair Tales Today
The good news is that I'm done for this weekend. It would have been far less time consuming to have painted another room of the house. I guess that's what I'll plan on for next weekend!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Hair Horror
Here's Alei doing a late shift; we were trying to accomplish a chunk of it while Julia slept last night.
The difference between Julia and Elijah is that Elijah had a long nap while Julia had no nap at all.Alei doesn't wear her glasses too often, so Elijah was quite interested in checking them out.
He tried them on a few times; Julia slept through it all.
I did a lengthy shift this morning, in spite of my elbows, but we really saw the end when Alei and my sister pulled a double-duty hair shift this afternoon. I didn't want to work anywhere near the carpet the way we were dousing her with olive oil, so Moriah loaned Julia her portable DVD player. (I am hoping that it works again tomorrow after all the spilled tea evaporates out of it.)
When Julia got tired this afternoon, I got her blanket and pillow for her and the work continued.
I wish I had taken a picture of Julia when we were done. I promised her that I would take her out for fried chicken when we finished - she about deserved Disney World with how well she did for so many hours. Anyway, she had her hair sticking up everywhere, a frilly, summer white dress, jacket and emerged with her red high-tops. It was beyond comical. I let her wear the dress, but convinced her to add church shoes instead of the high-tops, and Alei, Aunt Deb and I headed out with Julia for chicken! We had a good time.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Haiti and Orphan Future
I put tiny, tiny braids in Julia's hair the last time I did it - I'm really regretting it now that I'm taking her hair out. We've been at it well over two hours and I'm maybe 1/6th of the way through it! It's going to be a long day tomorrow - for her and me! I'm hoping to do a new style on her that will match her flair for fashion!
That's my girl.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Tori is a Whole Hand
It was Elijah's first time meeting Chuck E. JD has always referred to him as "the big rat." When the animated Chuck E. would light up and start singing, Elijah would point and yell, "rat." He was pretty impressed with "the big rat."
Elijah was impressed that Barney had eyes.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Easy and Fun
Good stuff! Details and the chip- in button -
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
One Room Down
So, in spite of my house woes, here's the kitchen. Ignore the big newspaper recycling pile and the burnt out light-bulbs, I didn't notice them until I looked at this picture.
This is Tori and Julia hair week, so no more painting until at least next weekend.
Friday, January 15, 2010
So I Don't Get Bored....
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Pool Ball
The game has now carried over to the little girls. They often play pool on the toy train table, with raquet balls and whatever works as a stick. Here they were yesterday, notice Tori's little fingers holding the pool cue just the way she has observed.
I have looked for a small pool table on Craigs list that they can actually play; I think I need to keep looking.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Tori Toes and School Helpers
Life is an open book, fill it with hope, love, dreams and memories.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Green Walls and Smart Buddy
On a seperate subject, I refrain from writing that my children are cute or smart, as I know that everyone thinks that about their own children. I try harder to just tell their story as that is what I want to remember years from now. This is one of those times, however, that I am amazed at Elijah's little mind. He saw me once put the light cover back on and hours later, when he managed to get a screw-driver, he headed right over to it and concentrated to get the screw-driver in the actual screw. Of course, he was wearing Julia's mittens the whole time which only added to the humor of it. I'm amazed out how much they learn when you have no idea they are even paying attention.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
I Did It
9 kids over 18 months put their hands on the wall a lot!
End of the Week
We finished our long week back to school after Christmas break as well as babysitting our bonus baby all five days. All in all, it went pretty well; getting back into it appears more difficult for me than my students. Here's Alyssa's study buddy. She set him up with Julia's pink "puter" to work while she did her math. He may be distracting but she handles it well.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Laundry Dress-Up
Good thing that the laundry stayed, because it provided a great morning game of dress-up.