As is our norm, summer revolves around swim team. The above sweatshirts are so cute, they have our last name on the hood so everyone can identify the families. I am so proud of Elijah. He has been my most reluctant swimmer. On day one, he asked to quit before he got in the water. I explained that learning to swim well is like riding a bike and it isn't too fun when you are falling, but to stick with it until he could swim like he rides. He trusted me and worked hard.
He not only has learned to swim well, he's pretty fast for a first year swimmer. We have done two meets and he has swam three of the four strokes in both meets. Here he is about to dive in; he has also come a long way in the area of being comfortable in front of a crowd.
He was the first swimmer in a free style relay and they came in first. It was an exciting moment for him.
He isn't the only ribbon winner; Bella took first in the individual freestyle. She has made huge progress this summer also.
Today was picture day and fun day. Swim team has been a great experience; we are blessed to be able to do it.