We instead stayed home and did one long day at King's Dominion. Sunday was Patriot's Day and the park was only open to military and supporting jobs. The weather was perfect and the lines were virtually non-existent. The kids had a blast.
We arrived as the park opened at 10 a.m.; Moriah joined us at lunch time. The kids are all dare-devils; only Bella wasn't tall enough for the highest ride challenges but she still rode some scary roller-coasters (so did I ). Elijah and Selah rode everything - I mean everything. The Drop Zone and the biggest, scariest roller coasters on the east coast. They rode things I have never considered.
First ride - the Bezerker. It rocks until it teeters upside-down and then flips several times. There are my youngest four all lined up!
Chris took a full-time job and is NJ for training so Moriah hung with us.
of course, she is talking to Chris.... |
They all rode this - I took the picture. Heights and I don't love each other!
We stayed until closing at 8 p.m. This picture was taken about 7 after walking over 17 miles according to the Fitbits.