I finally had the opportunity to download JD's pictures to show Gabriel's big event. It happened to fall on the same day as Alei's big event, so they are sharing a BIG event post. (They are good with sharing; they've been doing it all their lives).
My oldest son swore into the United States Navy a little over a week ago. He was able to go into the department that he wanted and get the job that he was hoping. At this point, he will be leaving for Boot Camp at the end of October and then will be attending training in Florida. While I do believe it is the path he is called to take, it is hard to see him grow up and move away from home for good. My Navy ties are pretty deep at this point - my dad, my husband and my son.
JD was able to swear him in -
Signing the official paperwork -
Yesterday, my second oldest turned 18! Not much is radically changing in Alei's life since she is already attending college and working, but she does get to take the little M (for minor) off her name tag at CVS and become a shift manager.
We had a fun day, but sure didn't get many fun pictures. This is about all I have to show for the day - she was eating her requested cheese-cake.
We would be feeling pretty old right now if we had stopped at the normal two children, but since we have another nine children that will turn 18 over the next 16 years, we are choosing to continue feeling young (most of the time).
Happy Birthday Alei and Congratulations Gabriel - we are proud of both of you!