In the beginning, JD adamantly only wanted two children. I thought that four would be perfect. Once we caught God's vision of putting orphans into families, our plan was multiplied by God. We are currently blessed with 12 children; five biological, six adopted and one more waiting in Ethiopia. Our first adoption was from the U.S., the next three were from Liberia, West Africa, and our last two were from Ethiopia. We are supporting our 12th child in Ethiopia after her adoption could not pass court.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Camp Day Two

 We had a long, fun Saturday at camp. We started with a hearty breakfast - so good they were begging children to take thirds on bacon. I don't think that has ever happened at home.

Our family's first activity was boating and fishing; I think it's all of our favorite. Check out the thrill on Tori's face that James put a worm on the line for her.

I didn't realize that I captured this picture until today, but can you see that Selah lost her footing and was going to fall into the lake? I'm not sure how it all went down, but seconds later both Dan and I had her by the jacket and life jacket dangling over the lake. I'm thinking I move fast under stress and all I remember is thinking how cold she would be if she went in!

 JD has never been a fisherman, but my kids sure enjoy it - or at least the idea of it. They've never fished for too long. You can tell from this picture that JD has lost 30 pounds on the "Trim, Healthy Momma" diet!

After the lake, we transferred to African drumming and on to art. I personally love the art and craft time with the kids, but I ended up hand scrubbing paint out of about three new purple camp t-shirts.  

 In the afternoon, they hosted a large candy hunt. Forget the eggs- they just put the wrapped candy directly on the ground. We have way more candy than any family needs at the moment!

This picture warms by heart. The kids were obviously not aware of what JD was taking pictures of, but it is Tori picking up candy and putting it into Selah's bag instead of her own. Selah was about the smallest in the 6-9 category and Tori was helping her.

 After the egg hunt, we got to take family Easter bunny pictures. I put on Facebook that contrary to Selah's appearance, she did not get rabies from the Easter bunny.

 There were plenty more games through the afternoon, although we were disappointed that the rock wall and rope course were not open this year. 

James on one side

Ben on the other

 That night they hosted square dancing. They required the kids to participate, which was great because they had a blast, but may not have tried it otherwise.

Ben and Tori
Selah and YMCA
 It took about two hours that night to shuffle all the kids through the lone shower. I let Elijah play a game on my Kindle while he waited for prayer - that lasted less than five minutes. I also put the kids to bed in their jackets because we all froze the night before.

It was a good day with fun memories.                      



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