In the beginning, JD adamantly only wanted two children. I thought that four would be perfect. Once we caught God's vision of putting orphans into families, our plan was multiplied by God. We are currently blessed with 12 children; five biological, six adopted and one more waiting in Ethiopia. Our first adoption was from the U.S., the next three were from Liberia, West Africa, and our last two were from Ethiopia. We are supporting our 12th child in Ethiopia after her adoption could not pass court.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Grocery Shopping

 I'm not sure that Moriah knew what she was getting into when she volunteered to go shopping with the youngest two and me. By frozen foods, we had two full carts-

 pictures are inferior phone photos
By the time we had it bagged, there were four carts -

Four people and four carts - in the Toyota Camry; may not have been my best planning. Thankfully, we had my favorite "bagger" (trivia for the non-military - the Commissary bags and loads your groceries) and she volunteered to take a picture before we attacked the challenge of fitting it all.

It was tight, but we did it; my motto is pack in the kids first, then the food around them. 

AND now, we can eat for the week! 


1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, looks like us. Once I went for once a month shopping by myself, but drove DH's mini cooper---fun.
    And if I can get it IN two buggies, why does it take the baggers 4 buggies???I've always wondered that.
