In the beginning, JD adamantly only wanted two children. I thought that four would be perfect. Once we caught God's vision of putting orphans into families, our plan was multiplied by God. We are currently blessed with 12 children; five biological, six adopted and one more waiting in Ethiopia. Our first adoption was from the U.S., the next three were from Liberia, West Africa, and our last two were from Ethiopia. We are supporting our 12th child in Ethiopia after her adoption could not pass court.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Camp ... and a Virus

My computer is very sick - it seems to have caught an incurable virus. This blog has taken way to long to get up, because things weren't loading. For whatever reason, it is working for the moment so I'm going to race to post.

This was our third year of weekend family camp. One of these summers, we may actually do a full week in the summer. The kids would love it. It really has turned into a spring tradition that is very special for our family and it started the first spring that Selah and Bella came home.

We did African drumming and dancing. Selah was by far the youngest dancer, but did incredibly well following the directions. The rest drummed, other than Julia who took a shift of each.

My favorite is the time at the lake boating and fishing. My favorite lake picture is of James and Tori in a canoe, but it won't load.

JD and the littles waiting for the paddle boat
Selah wanted to steer and did a pretty decent job
JD set out one trip letting Julia row and returned with Elijah rowing, without tipping the canoe - I don't think I'd be that brave.

The theme this year was Superheroes -

This was during the Superhero obstacle course where I was peacefully painting the "family" craft with only the help of two kids.

The big event for our family was the rock wall. It was closed last year, so it was the first time that a few of the kids even attempted it.

James on right
Elijah on right
Selah preparing
Julia on left and Bella on right
Ben makes it look easy

Only at camp do you sleep on your back all night to not mess up a late night face-painting.

 My seven little heroes. 

 As we pack out our cabin, the kids always enjoy the tire swing. It seems to take us longer to pack and there is seldom much competition at this late point.

 Good Memories

1 comment:

  1. As bad as a computer virus is, I was glad it was not a stomach virus ruining your trip! Glad you all had a great time.
