In the beginning, JD adamantly only wanted two children. I thought that four would be perfect. Once we caught God's vision of putting orphans into families, our plan was multiplied by God. We are currently blessed with 12 children; five biological, six adopted and one more waiting in Ethiopia. Our first adoption was from the U.S., the next three were from Liberia, West Africa, and our last two were from Ethiopia. We are supporting our 12th child in Ethiopia after her adoption could not pass court.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Grandmas, Gardens and Chickens

JD's mom is here visiting for two weeks; his sister and husband brought her down and stayed for two nights, then JD will drive her home at the end of her visit. Tori was funny, as usual. When I told her that Grandma was coming, she asked, "which one? the white one or the black one?" I started laughing, as both Grandmas are quite white. She then started laughing and said, "what I mean is... the one with white hair or the one with black hair?"

Here's the white-haired Grandma trying to enjoy her morning tea with Elijah's help.

Elijah and I made an early morning trip to the garden to pick a few things. I can't get over the cantaloupe - they have totally taken over the 20 foot long bed, but that's OK since my blueberry bushes have died and my kiwi have never grown!

I think we are just days away from having our first ones ready to pick.

Elijah likes his mud-boots now. It cracks me up how you can't see any of his legs between his shorts and boots.

Lastly, we got eight more Rhode Island Red hens the other day from a local family. (We also took their two roosters that they assured me are nice - so far, so good.) We moved our afro and silkie babies in with our big chickens, they are all getting along fine after living side by side for so long and put the new chickens in the far side alone.

First, we clipped their wings, however, so they wouldn't fly out and become fox food.

Julia was less than impressed that we got roosters again; she remembers Chirpy and his evil ways! These roosters are no different; they will end up free on Craigslist if they aren't nice!

I finally collected pickle supplies, so that's my now project.

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