In the beginning, JD adamantly only wanted two children. I thought that four would be perfect. Once we caught God's vision of putting orphans into families, our plan was multiplied by God. We are currently blessed with 12 children; five biological, six adopted and one more waiting in Ethiopia. Our first adoption was from the U.S., the next three were from Liberia, West Africa, and our last two were from Ethiopia. We are supporting our 12th child in Ethiopia after her adoption could not pass court.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Donuts and More Important Stuff

Alyssa, Elijah and I stayed home from church this morning because Alyssa is running a slight fever and feeling a bit nauseous. There is nothing that strikes fear in my heart more than the words, "Mom, I feel like I'm going to throw-up." First of all, I HATE being sick and throwing up, (and tend to get that way when I'm cleaning up after children in that condition,) AND it's horrible how many weeks our family can be out of commission once a virus starts passing around. Two years ago, it seems like someone was vomiting from Thanksgiving straight through Christmas; Alyssa literally was hanging over the toilet as I was putting the Christmas turkey on the table.

Last year, no one got sick at all. I'm praying for a re-run of last year and contemplating a group flu shot run this week!

Elijah was quite disappointed that he didn't get to go to church. He didn't get to go because he will only go to his "class" if one of us accompanies him. So, either JD, I, Moriah or Alyssa end up being in the two year old class on a rotating basis. To ease his disappointment, he and I went on a donut run. We used to get a box of powdered donuts for everyone once a week when we went to the Commissary, but they quit carrying them completely; so now on occasion, we have to drive to Sheetz for a big, black do-do (long o sound.) Elijah really loves that chocolate, although I really think he's only had three in his life. This isn't a daily ritual or anything.

Now I'm beginning the long list I have for today. I re-did Julia's hair yesterday and plan on attempting corn-rows on Tori's today. I need to watch a refresher corn-row video on You Tube. Speaking of You Tube, JD almost has our Orphan Sunday talk down-loaded on You Tube, so I will put the link on here. I still haven't really listened to it because I can't get past my voice, but I'm choosing to believe that most people don't enjoy hearing their own voices and letting him post it anyway.

Speaking of Orphans, we are eagerly anticipating what is in store for our family in 2011. There are some hurdles to overcome, but stay tuned as I really believe the Lord is lining things up for us to move forward with another adoption. The biggest hurdle is a final close on our house. (If you are wondering how we can be living in a house without ever closing on it - you can catch up at the bottom of this post.) We were really hoping that the appraisal would be back last week and it wasn't, so now I'm hoping for the next few days before Thanksgiving.

I could go on and on, but I need to make pizza for the hungry church-goers and I'm planning a separate post on our future adoption plans!


  1. Love the new header pic! Always looking for hair pictures too. What would we do without youtube? Stay healthy.

  2. Great pics of Elijah! My little boy calls them nonuts. Have you joined our Adoption Blog hop?

  3. Beautiful picture up top! I love photography. I'm still dropping by your blog now and then. Your much more dedicated and consistent than I am. There's a post about our 5 year adoption anniversary that happened recently that you might enjoy. It's the 2nd most recent on there I believe.
