I'm looking forward to the out-side work that I need to do; it seems like so much more fun than the inside work. JD tilled a berry patch over a week ago -
Wendy brought me four blackberry bushes and I bought four raspberry bushes marked down at Wal-Mart.
Another excitement in the works is baby chicks; Wendy got me a few specialty chicks at the feed store that will be coming home tomorrow with Alyssa. We even bought them a new chick house that JD is currently putting together. There was no way that the delapidated rabbit house were've been using was going to make it another year; it's begging to be put in the burn pile. (I realize the chick house is up-side-down in this picture, but with a neck like mine, you don't flip boxes for pictures :)
Back to work - the carpets don't vacuum themselves.
I'm excited to start the spring and summer and plant those trees and berries you look forward to all winter:) Have fun!