This is our CC review board. I use it all week at home and then take it to the class I tutor on Tuesdays. I always use wet erase markers so the kids don't smear it, but it turns out that Nathan's slobbery fingers can still smear well. He even manages to turn his little feet green or blue depending on the week.
Yesterday I had to move Alyssa's orthodontist appointment at the last minute to the same time that I teach a Brain Boost class. So, Alayna took Alyssa and I took Nathan (because he doesn't enjoy extra time in the car seat.) A Grandma volunteered to hold him during class and he was completely happy the entire class, then fell asleep on her towards the end. Such a sweet boy!
Nathan is going to have some car seat time tomorrow and he heads into the mountains with his momma and me for our church's annual womens retreat. We will see how that time goes!
He is so cute and cuddly looking! I love chubby baby legs. Have fun!