I have been anxious for a summer school break, but the reality of me traveling now and again in the fall is that we are going to have to accomplish several weeks of school this summer. As for now, I'm pushing them to finish this year's books. Some subjects will start wrapping up this week; others have several weeks to go.
Julia is doing very, very well at school. I am almost surprised at what a positive difference it makes for her. As long as she gets to bed on time, so she doesn't get too tired, she is having very few "melt-downs." I wish I had sent her at the beginning of the year! Here's the mob of Kindergartners singing cute songs for the moms.
We attended Alyssa's end of the year violin recital - she has gotten remarkably good in two years of lessons.
James, Ben and Tori had the last basketball camp last Saturday and Moriah is down to about three soccer games - all in time for swimming to start.
Aunt Deb decided that we don't have enough fun
Lastly of importance, Tori helped Elijah acquire the mustache he has always wanted. He told us that he was never taking it off, but it really restricted his dinner, so it came off after a few hours.
So excited you are *almost* ready to go to Ethiopia...praying you there and back...xo