In the beginning, JD adamantly only wanted two children. I thought that four would be perfect. Once we caught God's vision of putting orphans into families, our plan was multiplied by God. We are currently blessed with 12 children; five biological, six adopted and one more waiting in Ethiopia. Our first adoption was from the U.S., the next three were from Liberia, West Africa, and our last two were from Ethiopia. We are supporting our 12th child in Ethiopia after her adoption could not pass court.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Keeping Busy and BOOK WINNER

In an effort to distract myself from checking my email every 20 minutes, because this is day three that I haven't heard from Alei in Uganda, I began my very late spring cleaning effort. I decided the logical place to begin was the kitchen. My most interesting find, so far, was one of Julia's church shoes and an Easter egg on a shelf in the pantry. Now the pantry is all spic and span and I've moved on to the cabinets, which is not so fun.

My cleaning effort has been intermingled with shoving sugar water down one of the baby guinea's throats - they have been tough to keep alive! They were fine yesterday, but the dip in the temperature in the night seemed to make them want to die (again.) So, every hour we drop sugar water down their throats until they drink on their own.

As for the book winner, Moriah was kind enough to make names and place them in a bowl for the book drawing. She also took pictures, but they were enough out of focus that I'm not making you view them. Tori drew the first name......


Then we asked Elijah to draw the second name; he grabbed one of the papers and popped it in his mouth. Once we had him spit it out and unrolled it, it was .....

Busy Mom of 10!

Please send me an email (jenandkids@verizon.net) with your address and your books will be on the way. Enjoy and thanks for commenting everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!
    I've been involved a couple of times with baby birdie care, but not that young I don't believe.
