(Elijah is asleep in this picture, and not sick, just the end of the day.)
I am having a little attitude about my animals at the moment. I am just a bit overwhelmed at all the two legged and four legged things that I live with that are refusing to comply with the rules. So, for now, Hunter is the only cat that I like. He's still a pain and gets on the table, but he's a really cool cat.
Today is gorgeous - upper 60s, so I'm blessed that the little guys have been able to play outside most of the day. I decided to pick the carrots that I planted at the end of the summer. They are really tiny - I don't know if they were supposed to be or not.
I was really surprised to find that the broccoli had grown again. I really thought my one big pick was all that I would get. It's amazing that it just grows and doesn't freeze, it's been below freezing many times. (I'm new at this gardening thing, remember?)
I love my little gardening helpers, although I really need to buy more shovels; two shovels are just not enough for one momma and five helpers!
I could make due with this weather all month!
I have a yellow cat I've had since '99 but due to terrible early trauma caused by a nasty black lab, he is very shy and appears to have attachment issues!