JD and I attended his work Holiday party this last weekend; it's really nice that they always do it after the Christmas party rush. We stopped for a quick photo and Elijah ran in to show off his tie.
We also had a family over last night that wanted to discuss adoption options. That is literally one of our favorite things to do and the kids had a great time playing.
So, I'm planning a nice boring (not that I'm sure that word ever accurately describes our life) week that is caring for the kids, doing Julia's hair -
Schooling -
And playing -
I'm also anxious to start my de-cluttering and organizing effort. I am going start working in the kitchen tonight but am really anxious to get downstairs in the unfinished family room. We bought a big leather sectional on Craiglslist yesterday so it'll be fun to make some progress in that room.
Wow, the hair that's done looks great. Thanks for the idea to look on Craigslist. We are making a room downstairs too.